Does anyone have info about Lee Child? Some lady came in and was going on and on about him and talking about how she loved his books. Thoughts?
Haven't read anything by him .. see his books all the time.
Didn't he write the Jack Reacher (sp?) series??
Yes - I do like the show.
Yes! I've read them all, they are great!
Do you need to read in order, Luv?
I found the list on line, so will print and see what or Library have.
I guess not Presh, they would stand alone. But I like to read in order. When you read the boards you really do realize how dumb Cruise was for that part! The guy on the current series is just about perfect.
Oh yuck .. I didn't even realize it was a series on TV and I never would have watched w/TC!!!
I think Cruise was only in the movie, but I'm not sure. Above I meant "books", not "boards". Don't know where that came from!
Yes - he was only in the movies. The guy they have for the show is great! I am going to try a Lisa Scottoline first and see what I think. I'm starting with her very first book.
Well I took a Stand Alone book of LS's, but I looked up her series.
And I checked Library and they don't have any of the first few books of Lee Child's Reader series.
We have quite a few Lee Child books. I have to pace myself.