If you had one special talent that you were REALLY, REALLY good at (and I'm sure some of you do) what would you choose?
I would have to go with writing or painting. Painting a picture - not walls. LOL It would be pretty fun to be able to sit down and just write a book in a few weeks like famous authors can do. Think of the authors like Louie L'Moure, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, etc that have written dozens and dozens of books. I am surprised that they can keep thinking of stories to write about. Then just to be able to sit down with paint and an easel and make a beautiful painting would be so much fun.
Nip I'm with you on the writing. I would love to be a writer.
I think trying to come up with a story would be harder than actually writing it.
I would go with a Musician.
That made me wish I could sing. I sound like a dog howling at the moon. It ain't pretty!
I have no particular talents, but I enjoy landscape painting. I'm not good but it makes me feel really happy.
Hey - if it makes you happy and relaxes you then do it. That is how I feel about gardening. It can be a lot of physical work, but I still enjoy doing it. Until August/Sept and I am watering all the crap I planted. That's when I am ready for a cold front to come in and kill it all. LOL
Getting your hands in the dirt is always good!
Since I have been a little girl, I never like to get dirty my mother said. No soil/dirt for me. Flower always die for me. I am a Debbie Downer for dirt and flowers anyway.